The History of Cologne

The History of Cologne

The podcast about the history of the 2,000 years old city of Cologne in Germany

#67 Surrounded by Enemies - Cologne in the German Throne Dispute

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The German Throne Dispute at the beginning of the 13th century continues and Cologne is right in the middle of it.

The German Throne Dispute was a complex struggle for power and legitimacy in the Holy Roman Empire. After the death of Emperor Henry VI in 1197, a conflict broke out over the succession between the Guelphs, represented by Otto IV, and the Hohenstaufen dynasty, represented by Philip of Swabia. This dispute drew various European powers, including the Pope and the English king, into a protracted conflict characterized by shifting alliances and political intrigue. However, Cologne in particular loyally held on to power alongside the Welfs.


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